Avoid Foreclosure In Lynchburg VA – 3 Ways To Avoid Foreclosure

3 Ways To Avoid Foreclosure In Lynchburg, VA
3 Ways To Avoid Foreclosure In Lynchburg, VA

Few things are more devastating to families than the prospect of foreclosure. You own your home and you love it — it serves you well. Yet, due to unfortunate circumstances, foreclosure may seem imminent. Learn more about foreclosure and how to avoid it at Foreclosure Help in Lynchburg, VA

For local Lynchburg families facing foreclosure, the stress can be almost unbearable. Worse yet, the foreclosure process can take months or even years, stretching out the pain for longer than anyone wants.

Fortunately, you have options available to you here — perhaps more options than you realize. There are many strategies that help avoid foreclosure in Lynchburg VA; these are legal foreclosure avoidance strategies you can implement to help you resolve your foreclosure issue so you can get on with your life.

In this blog post, you’ll read about 3 ways that you can avoid foreclosure in Lynchburg VA (there are other ways to avoid foreclosure as well). The goal of these strategies is to help you legally and ethically avoid foreclosure and reducing the pain and frustration that you’re facing, while minimizing any long-term financial commitment or burden to you. Not all of these strategies will apply in every situation but you’ll probably be able to find at least one of the three ways that will work for you.

Strategy #1: Work out a deal with your lender

The first strategy to avoid foreclosure in Lynchburg VA is called a “foreclosure workout”. In a foreclosure workout, you’ll sit down with your lender and tell them that you don’t think you can pay your current mortgage obligation but you’d like to figure something out so you can stay in your house and continue to pay your mortgage.

Contrary to popular belief, lenders don’t want to foreclose! They want happy customers who pay their mortgages, so lenders are often willing to work with homeowners to figure out a deal. This might include a temporary reprieve on your mortgage payments, or it might include a catch-up strategy where your outstanding mortgage payments are spread out so you can catch-up and pay them off, or it might include a restructuring of the outstanding amounts that you owe.

Strategy #2. Bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy may seem like an extreme measure but it is one of the “tools” in your foreclosure avoidance toolbelt. When you file for bankruptcy, you indicate to all of your creditors that you are no longer able to pay your bills. Filing for bankruptcy will put a stop to the foreclosure process because all creditors must stop the collection process.

Filing for bankruptcy, though, is a little extreme: it may require you to sell off some of your assets in order to pay off your creditors. And, a bankruptcy will remain on your credit score for many years, which could impact everything from getting a loan to getting a car… even getting a job. So this shouldn’t be your first line of defense when trying to avoid foreclosure in Lynchburg VA

Strategy #3. Cash sale help for a foreclosure in Lynchburg VA

A cash sale is the third way to avoid foreclosure in Lynchburg VA — this is where you sell your home and put the proceeds of the sale toward the amount owing on your mortgage loan. A cash sale is a preferred method for people facing foreclosure because it is proactive, fast, and very effective.

  • It’s proactive, which means that you take matters into your own hands (that’s a major stress eliminator because so much of the stress of foreclosure comes from the process being completely out of your control).
  • It’s fast — in some cases, you can sell your home in as little as a week! That’s also because it’s local: You can get help for foreclosure in Lynchburg since organizations like Linken Investments help people going through foreclosures.
  • It’s very effective because a cash sale can completely wipe out (or almost wipe out) the amount owing on your mortgage. If there is any amount left over that is not covered by the sale of the property, you’ll be responsible for it (although you can sometimes work out a deal with your lender).

With a cash sale, you still end up with the reality of having to leave your home but there is a bright side: The impact to your credit is much less (compared to a bankruptcy or a foreclosure) so this is a smart long-term play to give yourself some options.

If you find that you’d like to sell your house to get out from under your foreclosure…

Give us a call today at 434-390-2906 or click here to fill out the form and we’d like to make you a fair all-cash offer on your house.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I sell a home in any condition?

Yes, you can sell your home in any condition, including as-is. Linken Investments specialize in buying homes regardless of their condition.

How long does the selling process take?

The selling process is typically much quicker compared to traditional methods. It can take as little as 7 days or a few weeks to close the deal, depending on your specific circumstances.

What if I’m facing bankruptcy?

Selling to direct buyers like Linken Investments can help you avoid foreclosure and protect your financial future.

What happens if my home needs extensive repairs?

If your home requires extensive repairs, working with Linken Investments is still a viable option. We will factor in the repairs needed when making an offer, saving you from the financial burden of having to make the repairs yourself.

Will I get a fair price for my house?

Yes, Linken Investments consider various factors to make a fair and competitive offer for your property.

Are there any costs, hidden fees or obligations involved when working with a Linken Investments?

No, we will assess your property and provide you with a cash offer at no cost or obligation to you. If you accept our offer, we pay all closing cost and fees involved in most cases.

Can I stop or avoid foreclosure by selling my house?

Yes, in many cases. When you sell your house it stops foreclosure and may help save your credit. Download our “How To Stop Foreclosure” free report for more information.

Call or Text Us Now at 434-390-2906 or fill out the quick form below to get started.

Linken Investments, Lynchburg’s Trusted Home Buyer

Linken Investments LLC. is a local real estate solutions company based out of Lynchburg, VA. We are Lynchburg’s Trusted Cash Home Buyers. We have been buying houses for cash in the Lynchburg area since 2005. Our years of experience are one reason clients trust Linken Investments to complete the sale of their property quickly with honesty and integrity. We’re a family-owned business and focus on helping homeowners like you find solutions to your problem whether you’re going through a foreclosure, selling an inherited property, or just need to sell your house fast for any reason. Linken Investments offers you the chance to sell your home in a simple, stress-free, cash transaction.

Linken Investments can buy your home exactly as it is, no repairs or cleaning needed, and we pay all cash and close fast, in as little as 7 days or when it works for you. Plus, we don’t charge commissions, and we pay all closing costs. Think of all the time and money that can save you. There’s no easier or quicker way to sell your house and get on with the next chapter in your life.

It won’t cost you any money and only about an hour of your time to find out how much cash we’ll pay you for your house. And you’ll be under no obligation to accept our offer, so you have nothing to lose but a house that’s standing between you and the life you want to enjoy.

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